[Updated 2023-05-04 to include AZ CLI commands]

When creating a new Azure subscriptions chances are it will not have all the resource providers you want registered (enabled).

We often choose to register all the Microsoft resource providers (not Classic) by default.

Get Missing Providers

This command lists the missing providers:

az provider list --query "[?starts_with(namespace, 'Microsoft.') && (!(contains(namespace, 'Classic'))) && registrationState=='NotRegistered']" --output table
Get-AzResourceProvider -ListAvailable |
    Where-Object ProviderNameSpace -match "Microsoft" |
    Where-Object ProviderNameSpace -notmatch "Classic" |
    Where-Object RegistrationState -eq "NotRegistered" |
    Select-Object ProviderNamespace, RegistrationState, Locations

Register Missing Providers

This command registers the missing providers:

az provider list --query "[?starts_with(namespace, 'Microsoft.') && (!(contains(namespace, 'Classic'))) && registrationState=='NotRegistered'].namespace" --output tsv | xargs -L1 az provider register --namespace
Get-AzResourceProvider -ListAvailable |
    Where-Object ProviderNameSpace -match "Microsoft" |
    Where-Object ProviderNameSpace -notmatch "Classic" |
    Where-Object RegistrationState -eq "NotRegistered" |

Note: You have to be owner of the subscription to do this.